The Aparian Dream

I DREAM of an Andra where there is peace and Harmony..Where we all put our difference aside and work together. Where we all appoint a single person to contest the election, Where we maintain the rights of our forefathers for Marine stakeholder-ship. Where we encourage our home scholars to maintain respect for our elders, where we have Sunday fear for God our Father and continue the echos of wednesday pray meeting with the famous songs of  " Come to the water you who are thirsty"...where likes of John Pusai leads a queue of respected teenages and kids to the OLD church..during the bright lights of the moon.
The sounds of children and adults all running around DAUN in the middle of the night playing PARIS..the who am I game behind the coconut Mat. Where we fight but reconsile, cry, FORGIVE and FORGET.

I dream of an Andra where I am able to buy solar panel  for every Family Haus. Be able to Buy school fee for the unfortunates, be able to build haus boi for all clans, be able to dig up the whole soccer field, level it and plant the Taurama that we all don't laugh when Boirang missed the ball, not because of his legs but the uneven field, be able to buy a small fishing boat from Alotau and have Bubu Aloise Kinol arrange for 6 guys from our 6 clans to come to POM for training and go back home to harvest Tuna...